Thursday, 27 June 2013

Final Fantasy 13 pretending to be like Dark Souls and a look back at one of the biggest Game-Failures of all time

Apparently producer  Yoshinori Kitase claims that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 will be similar in some ways to Dark Souls. Now this probably made some of you laugh and others just angry. Dark Souls was a relatively engrossing, critically claimed, challenging game. Final Fantasy 13 was one of the most overrated, awful messes of a game of all time. Final Fantasy 13 had basically no towns, no real choices, a fairly lame wannabe-action turnish-based combat system, and brutally linear maps. The slight opening up of the world happened at the end of the game and was frankly outclassed by basically every RPG in existence since the original Super Nintendo. I didn’t mind “Lightning” as the main character, but nothing was ever done with the plot or gameplay. It was mostly just some emotional up-and-down, soap-operatic, touchy-feely non-plot as we moved characters down one line after another. I would have easily given it a 4 or 5 out of 10 and was surprised that mainstream game reviewers had to give it higher ratings partly to not be contrarian in a world of Final Fantasy sheep.  Now Square has run out of a lot of its street cred it built up with games like FF6. Even the FF sheep need to be BSed a bit into thinking there is some serious gameplay design behind Square’s products.

After pumping out raw sewage these last few outings, Square has to try to ride the coat-tails of far better products such as Dark Souls. No one believes Yoshinori when he claims Final Fantasy will be anything like Dark Souls or any game with any quality, design or challenge. I fully expect the next Final Fantasy will be another 4-5/10 outing as nothing more than a shameless cash grab by the soulless corporate hacks at Square. Drawing well animated grass does not eclipse a product with thoughtful gameplay.

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