Climbing up the GOLD! (formerly Silver) League Ladder on Starcraft 2

I am playing Starcraft 2 as Protoss and will ocassionally stream on Twitch under the alias Refined Gamer. My handle is Karma on Starcraft 2 in North America.

I will post updates on this page.

July 20, 2013 (GOLD League Promotion!)

I've been placed against Platinum and Diamond players but consistently lose against them. 

My PvT involves a three gate expand where I scout for terran unit compositions and try to hold against all-ins. Then I tend to play long macro games and usually find PvT my best matchup.

PvP is still kind of lame, as I sometimes lose to four gates if I don't build to counter them. I basically now 4-gate, and if he cannons in front of his natural, I get a warp prism and just go into his main.

PvZ is probably the hardest matchup. For a while I had a zero percent win ratio against zerg as I was trying out the "Stardust" immortal-zealot-sentry build. I switched to a basic immortal-sentry two-base seven gate all in-ish kind of build against zerg and that has worked better. If I see they are on three bases, often I just take a third and play a macro game now. I prefer late game compositions of zealot-archons because they handle muta-ling armies well. I also like incorporating carriers late game because they handle swarm hosts and roach ultra type armies well. I have been winning against silver zerg, and now about half my games against gold zerg. 

After winning a 40 minute game against a zerg in a long macro fest I was finally promoted to GOLD League!. I'm happy. Despite this game being hard, trial and error learning does seem to pay off.

July 7, 2013

I am basically rejigging my PvZ strategy. I plan to scout better early game after FFE to see whether he expands or not and will try to quickly get more cannons if I see him on one or two base. Also, I like the chargelot, immortal sentry into zealot archon build of stardust and will try to use that in PvZ.

I just lost a PvZ against a platinum player while in silver league. Basically I chose the wrong attack path and instead of hitting his third I engaged on creep in an open space where he had a few spine crawlers. After losing my main engagement, he reinforced easily and took down my third and after that it was basically over. Mental note: use hallucinations to scout better and gain better map control / use better attack paths.

Surprisingly I ended up playing (and losing) a PvP against a Diamond (!) player. I've also found the stardust zealot/sentry/immortal style to have a hard time against a zerg that goes mass mutas and lings.

June 30, 2013:

I am currently in Silver League and pretty much lose every game to zerg. I tend not to see a one or two base all-in by zerg and generally go for a two-base immortal sentry-ish push.

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